AWT 2018 Recap

AquaPhoenix at the 2018 AWT trade show

The Association of Water Technologies (AWT) Convention was once again a great time for our team to meet and connect with others in the industry. We are proud to serve as an exhibitor and sponsor for this event and hope everyone enjoyed their time visiting, connecting and learning with others in the industry.

Our team is always looking for innovative products and developing technology solutions to make testing easier for you. If you didn’t get the chance to see us during the show, be sure to check out some of the newest products we featured.

Panel Builder
The H2 Panel Builder lets you effortlessly design and build your custom panel online. Easily navigate your way through each step to pick the components and get a real-time quote with visual drawing and product manuals and data sheets.

Testing Products & Supplies
As always, we showcased some of the best testing products the industry has to offer, including our new custom backpack test kits.

eServiceReport Upgrades
Learn all about the latest updates to eServiceReport, our cloud-based application used to input, analyze, and store data. The new version Corral includes major updates to inventory management, more options for data entry, enhancements to customer review report and much more!

Custom eCommerce Websites
We completely redesigned and upgraded our custom eCommerce website platform for improved functionality and enhanced user experience. Demo the new platform and see how you can make buying and selling easier for you team.

9 Cooling Water Tests in 60 seconds
Fast and simple, the innovative WaterLink Spin Touch Photometer from LaMotte does your cooling water testing for you. Learn more about this innovative new technology.

Interested in learning more? Please contact us!