STEM Field Trip to AquaPhoenix

On Monday, March 9th, AquaPhoenix was visited by Frank’s youngest daughter and just a “few” of her 5th grade classmates. We were so grateful the students were able to attend this field trip earlier this month before school closures. They spent time with each department on their tour and got hands-on with our line of Kemtec kits.

During their time at AquaPhoenix, students participated in three activities. Each class was able to tour our facility and ask many questions of our employees. They also rotated through two Kemtec stations for hands-on STEM instruction.

AquaPhoenix Tour

During the tour, students were led through the AquaPhoenix facility to see each department and observe our manufacturing process. Students were encouraged to ask questions along the way.

school students learning about AquaPhoenix from various team members

Kemtec Oil Spill Jr Activity

Students learned about physical and chemical properties of oil while experiencing how engineers and scientists approach oil spill disasters with this hands-on lesson. Working in teams, students created their own oil spill models and used them to simulate basic oil containment and removal techniques.

students from a local school completing a science-based activity at AquaPhoenix

Kemtec Sedimentary Rock Formations

In this activity, students create their own sedimentary rocks. Each individual rock was formed by layering plaster with sediment.

stem experiments completed by kids during a field trip to AquaPhoenix

Thank you to all of the teachers, parent volunteers and employees who make events like this possible.

To learn more about our Kemtec line of classroom-ready hands-on kits, visit